If it was your daughter, would you accept a RM60,000 compensation? 如果是您的亲生女儿,您会接受6万令吉赔偿金吗?

Friday 30 November 2007

RM2 Million Compensation Suit

Baby Yok Shan has received a letter from the Government stating the amount of compensation the Government was willing to offer. Her lawyer, DAP Selangor Legal Bureau Chief, Lim Lip Eng informed her parents of the offer last Friday. However, the offer clearly fell short of expectations and fail to take into account the full impact on Baby Yok Shan and her future.

As a result, together with DAP National Legal Bureau member, Gobind Singh, Baby Yok Shan's father filed a RM2 million plus suit against the Goverment, the Hospital as well as the two negligent doctors for compensation. The above video was taken at the press conference after we filed the suit. At the same time, the DAP announced the blog to let the public gain greater awareness of the case.







Unknown said...

My very young child told me that it is more tragic to lose an arm than to lose one's life. To the victim, it is like a life-long punishment. She has to face it every single day in her life for as long as she lives.

jenny said...

6万令吉????有没有搞错???? 目前所有的物品都在涨价,大家认为由卫生部提出的6万令吉的赔偿对小钰珊将来的生活开支有帮助吗?? 难道是因为小钰珊段臂之事已惊动各界人士的注意, 卫生部为了平息这件丑闻只好顺从大众之意, 做出6万令吉的赔偿???

再说, 小钰珊代表律师入禀高庭所提出的200万令吉的赔偿也是合理的.如果小钰珊是一个四肢健全的小孩, 我相信她将来的"钱"(前)途可不止200万的这个价值. 那些令小钰珊痛失手臂的混蛋也是时后为自己所犯的错误付出代价?

hanwt said...

I have read abt Baby Yok Shan in the news. I would like to help in whatever way I can. Please let me know how I can contact her parents.

Anonymous said...

even RM10 mil couldn't compensate for what the baby will be going through life in the future!