If it was your daughter, would you accept a RM60,000 compensation? 如果是您的亲生女儿,您会接受6万令吉赔偿金吗?

Friday, 7 December 2007

Parliament Debates Yoke Shan's Case

During the committee stage of the debate for Ministry of Health, Parliamentary Opposition Leader, YB Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) touched on negligence of public hospital which has been highlighted recently by various media report, i.e. Baby Yok Shan left arm amputation.



kongkon said...


jenny said...

不知小钰珊的近况如何? 新的一年又来临了, 希望有关网页可以继续update小钰珊的近况.

hoyi said...

ya, give us some update on Yok Shan, hope she is well everyday.

Mel said...

Did anyone realise that the doctors involved that day were working 36hour-days for the whole of that month? That means go to work at 7am, work till 5pm next day. Then go home and sleep few hours. Next morning, work at 7am, stay till 5pm next day.. Multiply that by 30 days. Definitely not defending them for what happened.

BUT, i think it would be good if the public use this as a good reason to fight for better working hours for junior doctors. I highly doubt this sad thing would have happened to Yok Shan if these doctors had been having adequate rest.

I myself have been forced to work that way before. By the end of 1 week, you are too tired to think properly. Every moment you have free, you grap naps. I used to fall asleep while eating. Bad...

In UK, a DEVELOPED country, all the doctors work shifts. They are only allowed to work a certain number of hours per week.

kongkon said...

melanie, that is whose's fault?
can i say : oh..i do not enough sleep due to my working overload, then cannot concentrate to drive my car, thats why my car knocked a man and caused him die, i shouldn't bear any responsibility!?!
For my points of view,if u are too tired and cannot think, then u also cannot simply make a stupid decision and hurt someone indirectly. that is a life, ok?!!!!
Did the doctor/nurse come to yok shan and make apologise?? Thats shows us their arrogance!
If it is really as what you said, they work 36 hour-days. then we shouldn't go to such idiot hospital ! shouldn't we?

kongkon said...

klang is under selangor , right?
since barisan national lost selangor, i think lim jit siang should help baby yok shan , to ask the hospital, the nurse who did mistake on poor yok shan, applogise formally to baby yok shan and her family.
And we also have to know who those jerk is.

Unknown said...







jenny said...


Umar_LoveIja said...

Helo,nice blogging,nice info,erm ingin mengetahui kisah misteri,pelik tapi benar ? jom ke blog saye ni di http://janganpandangdepan.blogspot.com ,ok bye

JiwaKosong said...

Hai,kenal x dengan blog OhMisteri ? kalau belum kenal ? jom visit n join blog tu di http://ohmisteri.blogspot.com ,ok hidup malaysia,babai